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Pupil Achievement 2023

Below is a summary of Pupil Achievement 2022-23.

You can find further information School Performance Measures website

Early Years

  % Achieving GLD
School 68%
National 67%


  % of pupils achieving the expected standard in the phonic check (year 1)

% of pupils achieving the expected standard in the phonic check (year 2)

School 89% 92%
National 79% 89%


Key Stage 1 Attainment

    % of pupils achieving the Expected standard + % of pupils achieving Greater Depth
Reading School 69% 30%
  National 68% 19%
Writing School 56% 17%
  National 60% 11%
Maths School 72% 19%
  National 70% 16%


Key Stage 2 Attainment

    % of pupils achieving the Expected standard + % of pupils achieving Greater Depth
Reading School 82% 26%
  National 73% 29%
Maths School 80% 20%
  National 73% 24%
Writing School  71% 16%
  National 71% 13%
SPaG School 82% 20%
  National 72% 30%
Combined (RWM) School 67% 5%
  National 59% 8%